Women's Sunday - 2022

Sunday, February 27, 2022 11:15 AM

Women’s Sunday – Feb. 27

Women from Zion will participate in leading many aspects of Worship (10:15 am).

    We intend to recognize Zion’s Women: 

            Board of Christian Education (BCE),

            Church Council,

            Creative Souls,


            Missions Committee

            Musicians, Choir Directors & Members,


            Prayer Chain,

            Sewing Circle,

            Sisters-in-Faith (Women’s Fellowship),

            Sunday School Teachers & Adult Class Leaders,

            Sunday School Christmas Program,

            Vacation Bible School,
            Youth Ministries,

            Zion’s Many Fund Raisers - Trivia Night, Garage Sale, Homecoming Stand, BBQ, Wurstmarkt,

            Zionette Kitchen Band,
