January Congregational Meeting

Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:20 PM

January Congregational Meeting – Sunday, Jan. 22

We will gather together for our January Congregational meeting, following the Worship Service on Sunday, January 22nd, at about 11:20 a.m.

Our Fall Congregational meeting didn’t meet our quorum of 40, so we were unable to carry out the business of the Church. We need to elect officers and to approve the budget for 2023.

Therefore, we need your presence!!!

The agenda is below.

1. Opening Prayer

2. Election of Church Leaders for 2023-2025 Term

a) Church Council: Darren Doerr, Betty Keller-Timmer, Sherry Wynn

b) Board of Christian Education: Debbie Doerr

3. Review and Approval of 2023 Budget - Attached

4. Review and Approval of Minutes from 2022

5. Audit Committee Report

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. In-Loving-Trust Window Fund

Interest is TBD

Council recommendation cancel the 2021 AED Unit (Defibrillator) order (it’s still on back order) and put the money in the In Loving Trust Window Fund.

The 2022 interest will be used to replace the smoke detectors throughout our facilities as is needed, and removal, sandblasting, repainting and reinstallation of the sanctuary radiators.

8. Old Business

9. New Business

a) New lawn Mower to maintain the Church Park. $15,000 is in the mower fund. If the price exceeds $15,000 then the Z-Team will pay the balance

10. Closing Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

Please look this over and plan on participating in this meeting, which will set the future direction of Christ’s ministry in and thru our Church.